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Old 2004-01-24, 03:39 PM   #12
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Originally posted by security_man
we thought about doing something like that with submitool but we ran into the problem of not all linklists have the same categories therefore you dont have the same niche specific recips all the time. you have some that have masturbation and some that dont, the same with small tits or any number of other categories.

that along with what cleo and mrm are talking about, we decided to forgo that in leu of just putting up links to the recip instructions and letting webmasters make their own recip tables.
Well security_man, I have used ALOT a time maching the right categorys.

Ex1: Penisbot dont have a pantyhose category, but places them under fetish, so penisbotīs recip is a fetish-recip.

Ex2: Some of the LLs dont have a blond catagory. So the recip table will look like this:

Some categorys is only found at one of the LL. Like "Zoo Fetish". Thas why I listed them under the Dropdown box.

MrMaryLou and Cleo: Im not sure I understand excatly what you meen. But would somthing like this be better?

Like this:

Ore this:
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