Thread: Food Allergies
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Old 2007-01-30, 09:32 PM   #1
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Food Allergies

Evening all...

As mentioned a couple days ago, ended up at the emergency room with my girlfriend...doc said it was an allergic reaction to 'something'. After a lot of thought trying to figure out what it could have been...we had a couple ideas of the cause, so obviously she stayed away from those items.

Ended up at the ER again today...similar reaction as before, though not quite as bad since we got her to the doc sooner. At this point, we're thinking she may have suddenly become allergic to nuts. (Yes, we all know I'M NUTS, but the other kind )

See, being the nice guy I am...when she got sick late last week with this, I went and did the grocery shopping. Knowing how much she loves chocolate and nuts, I picked her up some brownies topped with walnuts. As she hasn't been getting better the past few days, we've been thinking it would just take a while for the toxins to clear her system...until the flare up today. That's when we started putting 2 and 2 together and hit on NUTS.

To the reason for this thread...

Has anyone here ever suddenly become allergic to nuts after eating them for years???

From some googling, it certainly appears that it can happen, though not necessarily a common thing. So, figured I'd get some feedback from my fellow GG&J'ers

Btw...what a bitch of a week it's a call earlier this evening that my mother is in the hospital again in California. Where's the tearing my hair out emoticon?
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