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Old 2007-01-28, 10:06 AM   #3
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 1
Hey eman!

As you've probably seen, things have changed, new layout, new site tours etc.

My partner Ross and I bought TriggerBucks from Craig about a year and a half, maybe 2 years ago. We were planning on starting some paysites ourselves, and this was an excellent opportunity to start, with a few existing sites and a webmaster program.
First thing we did was switching from ccbill to NATS. To be honest, we wanted to change a lot of things, add a lot of new sites etc. etc. before we decided to go 'live', or, as many other programs call it, start version 2.0

Anyways, we've bumped into quite a few things along the road, and thats the reason we're not fully functioning yet. All I can say is that right now, the members area is totally re-done (twice), everything's up and running, we've got about 6 sites in the works, and we hope to start officially on the 1st of March.

If you have any questions, hit me up on ICQ or e-mail, I'll be happy to have a conversation with you

71341363 - nylz |at} triggerbucks |dot} com
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