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Old 2007-01-18, 01:32 PM   #1
Mystery Man
Heh Heh Heh! Lisa! Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 76
Buying Permanent or Yearly Links

I'm looking to buy links on a yearly or permanent basis.

I'm NOT looking for the $500/year links on a homepage, I'm looking for people who may have an old site they don't use, a new site that has room for a link, or anyone who has room somewhere on there site for a link and wants to make a quick few bucks. It can be on the homepage, an internal page, a blog post, or anywhere on the site for that matter.

-Only .com, .net, and .org domains.
-Page must be indexed in Google (unless you are making a new blog post on a blog that is indexed)
-PR, good backlinks, and age are always a plus

So if you want to make a few bucks and have a page or two just lying around doing nothing, post the URL, price and your ICQ, or ICQ me at 285-398-395. Again, I'm not looking for the high traffic, high priced links, just those looking to make a few quick bucks for throwing up a link to me on their site.

Payment can be made via Paypal or ePassporte immediately.
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