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Old 2006-12-17, 08:08 AM   #1
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Linkadmin - suexec - 777 problem

Last week I had some security problems on my server which have now largely been addressed, but at a cost - I can't run Linkadmin (Usefulscripts).

Initially it wouldn't load at all - I kept getting a 500 Internal Server Error but I got round that by disabling suexec (whoever she is)

Now I can load the the script and I can do certain things, but I can't review sites - I get this message "Reviewing is not possible because the following files are not writable:" and it gives me a list of the files, all of which are in cgi-bin.

However I'm unable to change the permissions for these files and for certain directories - some of which need to be 777 - I get "access denied".

My hosts now tell me that 777 directories are a huge security risk and they strongly advise against using them. They also recommend that suexec be re-enabled.

Well, that may well be the best solution security-wise, but without Linkadmin I haven't got a site!

I'd be grateful for any suggestions.

<edit> I'm thinking that I might do better to cut my ties with linkadmin and switch to another script - one that's properly supported would be nice! Any suggestions, bearing in mind that I've got over 10k links to convert/transfer?</edit>

Last edited by eman; 2006-12-17 at 08:51 AM..
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