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Old 2006-09-09, 02:28 PM   #20
Madness is like gravity. All it takes is a little... push.
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Originally Posted by SirMoby View Post
I took the liberty of chatting with a school psychologist (Susan a few houses down) and someone studying to be a school psychologist (my lovely wife) and they both had the same advice.

1. This is very traumatic. It's not like falling off a horse and bruising your butt. It's a gruesome death or near death. Be patient.

2. Drive her to school for a few days and see how she reacts going past that spot.

3. Try to get her into happy situations involving bikes (some people recommended taking her on a bike ride yourself) but don't push it.

Personally I would have started pushing the issue after a few days but these two recommended to not push it.
Probably less potential for emotional scarring if you do it nice and easy that way.
~Warm and Fuzzy.
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