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Old 2006-07-09, 01:39 PM   #28
Jim? I heard he's a dirty pornographer.
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Originally Posted by Tommy
but the Jesus Freaks love him
What I don't understand is why do believers of Jesus seem to like the idea of killing innocent people, torture and many human rights abuses.

Sadaam is on trial for the deaths of 3,000 people during a civil war when he used gas that he got from the USA. The followers of Jesus do not seem to mind that 40,000 to 100,000 or more civilians have been killed because of the US invasion of Iraq. They long ago gave up even discussing Iraq being a threat to the USA since the administration finally had to admit that no weapons were found and no ties to terrorists organizations existed.

"Canada is lucky we don't blow them off the face of the map."

"We should not talk to Iran we should nuke them."

"We should make North Korea glow."

I've read about Jesus and he was not a man of war but for some reason his followers are all about war. You would think that followers of Jesus would accept war only as a last resort instead of an emotional response to people being different.

What am I missing here?
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