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Old 2006-07-03, 02:22 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by hollywood376
One problem I have is that I don't want to mislead anyone.
Yes. Misleading people may get you a lot of webmasters to start with, but they will soon bugger off again when they realise you are stretching the truth.

The thing to do it try and find something that is uniquish to your site. If you do not have something, add something. If you cannot add something, do not expect to make a lot of money in this business.

That said, it does not have to be amazing. An example is the "autographed photo" thing I mentioned a while back. It will cost you, what, a dollar. But if it gives you 6 months membership fees it is worth the dollar. And things like that will also attract webmasters to sell the site.

One big important fact you appear to have got wrong is that you think you are in the porn business. You are not. You are in the advertising business. Whatever is on your site, however unique it is, however good it is I guarantee several thousand people will be doing the same thing. And a lot of them will be better than you. Tell me now why someone should sign up to your site instead of one of the other several thousand similar sites? Think, if you were the buyer not the seller, why the hell would you join your site instead of someone else's? The only thing that gets people to sign up is your tour. Even if you have the best webmasters in the world pushing your site, with the best adverts in the world, when the surfer hits your site, if it does not tell them "this site is exactly what you are looking for", the surfer will bugger off without buying. And worse than that, the webmasters who know what they are doing, know this. If they look at your site and do not think it sells itself, they will not pick you up as a sponsor, they have more profitable things to send their traffic to.

And the same goes for the webmaster's page. You have to sell it to them. You have to convince them that they will make more money selling your site than someone else's. Fail to do that and you get exactly zero webmasters.

And you have to do all this without lying.

That is why I said you are in the advertising business, not the porn business. If you are no good at 'selling' the surfers will never even see your porn.

There are two things you should have done before setting up a paysite. So, if you have not already done them, do them now. They are:

1.Read lots of books on advertising (and I mean lots of books, put in several hundred hours of reading just for the basics). And if possible consider taking a course on advertising.

2. Create lots of free sites and galleries selling other sponsors. Only by practising this will you work out how to sell to surfers. And you will also find out what webmasters want, by being one. Don't consider this lesson over until you are making a good living out of free sites and galleries. Don't even imagine that you have the slightest hope of getting webmaster's to use your affiliate program until then.

Maybe I am scaring you, but don't read this and think "Oh shit, I can't do all that". Instead think "I AM going to do all that. Because you have the site now, so you have to do that.
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