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Old 2006-06-28, 06:40 PM   #12
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by ecchi
OK, this is my 2c, but be aware it is how I look at new sponsors, other people may disagree. Also please don't take offence at anything I say. I am talking about how I view a site when I come across it as a possible new sponsor, so please don't assume I am accusing you of anything here.

1. You promote 2 solo girl sites. Why are these any better that all the others? If you want me to promote your site you will have to convince me that your sign up ratio or member retention is better than others. And don't just quote figures, give reasons (eg. our members stay longer because after 6 months they get sent a genuine signed photo).

2. Up to 65% payout, plus 5% for referral of webmaster. Considering you are new I guess you are paying about 15% CC processing, that leaves you 15% of the sale price to cover bandwidth, new content, etc. No offence intended to you, but when I come across sites like that I automatically assume they will either be out of business within a few months or will have to start shaving.

3. Free hosted galleries are good, but I need to have a page on your site where I can collect the link codes and decide what I want to use. Having them submitted is no good because: (A) Most of the sites I use FHGs on are 'fake' TGPs with sponsors galleries and link exchanges, no submit form. (B) Sites I have with submit forms automatically check for recips. As your galleries will obviously not meet this requirement, my script will automatically trash them. (C) It looks really amateurish doing it this way. If you got time to submit to all your affiliates sites then you don't got many customers, and if you don't got many customers I would assume you won't convert well for me.

4. Really need to know more about your content. How much do you have, how often is it updated, etc. I believe this is even more important to people who specialise in solo girl sites than it is to me. I was talking to someone (I think on this board, but it might have been elsewhere) who said that he needed plenty of fresh new content all the time to push the girls on TGP posts.

I certainly don't take offense at anything someone says. This is business, not personal. Now, let me see if I can answer some of your questions/comments:

1.) Why are my solo girls sites better than other solo girls sites? Well, to be quite frank with you, they probably aren't. There are, I'm sure, sites that are better and sites that are not. Making a claim to be the best would just be foolish. As the sites are just as new as the program, I can only tell you what is offered and why membership retention should be good. The sites are updated at least once per week with at least one picture set or video. That does not include live web shows, which should also make a difference in the retention. Plus, a member to the site gets free membership to both sites, or any sites that are added later.

2.) The payout percentage is tiered. It has a base percentage of 50, which climbs to 65 as the number of sales increases. Everything in business is a matter of cost. If I only have to pay one person for 25 sales, then I only have to pay the labor for my accounting to write one check. That's much less work than writing 25 checks for 25 people who made 1 sale. I'm well aware of my margins and how much I need to make from a sale to be profitable. While I would much rather pay you 4% for each sale, I doubt you will send a single click my way for that. As to shaving, I always leave this offer open to anyone: Come to my office, log in to my stats and see for yourself. There is no need for it. If a reasonable and fair profit cant be made from a transaction, then there is no need to stay in business. I think there is a general feeling that every one in the adult business is shady and that it is just expected that "everyone shaves" who has a program. I know it's not true, because there is at least one that will never do it. Additionally, I have more sites in the works, and for each one that is added my costs decrease. For each new product, I don't have new office costs, supply costs, computer and equipment costs, etc.

3.) Inside the program you can generate the links for every gallery etc and choose what you want. The service for submitting galleries for those who ask is supplied as just that, a service. When the demands of my staff out weigh their ability, the service won't be offered to anyone new. As to not having a lot of customers affecting your conversions, I would think that the opposite of what you are saying is true: The more customers I have, the more likely you are to be competing with them for conversions?? Maybe I missed something there.

4.) I have quite a bit more content for one site than the other. I know that I have enough photo content to update one site for at least a year, updating once per week. And I am supplied with at least two photo sets/videos every week, so for every week I am online my capacity increases by two weeks.

I understand anyones reluctance to try a new program, and that is why I am asking these questions. One thing is certain, without good affiliates the websites will be doomed to fail, and I don't want to see that happen. With some affiliates that are willing to give me a try and offer their views on how to improve, I think we could have a successful program. I can tell you that we are dedicated to making it the best that we can, which means improving at all phases, now and in the future.
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