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Old 2006-06-27, 06:59 PM   #8
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by Greenie
Maybe I did jump the gun on moving this to the spam forum, but it does read as if it could very well be a clever spam post

1st you have to find people to beta test it - do this in private by asking your friends to try the program out. Send some of your own traffic at it as well.

Then if the numbers are decent, look into buying ads on webmaster board & magazines, send out press releases, etc.
I can see how this might seem like spam, however I really am looking for an answer! ( I only posted the link so that people could see what I have to work with. ) As for numbers being decent, I wouldn't know what decent numbers are! What numbers should I be looking for? and what is that number based on, first page uniques/sales, join page/sales, raw etc.?

Unfortunately, I don't have any friends who are in this business. I am relatively new and don't have many connections. I also don't have "my own traffic". Other than to submit to tgp's, etc. I don't have any traffic that I move. If there is anyone here who thinks that they may want to try it out, let me know and I'll give you the address.
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