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Old 2006-06-13, 10:46 AM   #4
Arghhhh...submit yer sites ya ruddy swabs!
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Originally Posted by docholly
Well in the cam venues that my merry band of hoes participate in ..crushing even fake plastic bugs is banned..likewise on the clip site that we sell on.. and while i understand the concept behind the bug crushing fetish.. (the mom stomping on bugs while the baby is a eye level-going back to that primal 1st memories) I doubt very many mom's crushed mice, kittens, gerbils etc under their feet.

So, in my opinion, I wouldn't equate those people who have a real bug-crush fetish with those with a semi "snuff" fetish to kill living things. next they'll want to see someone stomp on a baby's head.

but hey.. that's just my opinion
Yep, that whole thing is just far too twisted

Tortus, of course the difference is that the monitor lizard actually EATS the smaller critter...instead of just brutally killing it...BIG difference.
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