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Old 2006-06-12, 06:31 AM   #14
Aw, Dad, you've done a lot of great things, but you're a very old man, and old people are useless
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Scotland
Posts: 29
So there are still a few of us doing AVS, good to hear it. I'm also pleased to hear that there are a lot less doing it then in previous years, that can only be good news for those of us left :-)

For whatever reasons, AVS is the only adult business model that has ever made me any money. I tried free sites, tgp, tgp2 (a blast from the past?), one page wonders, etc. All with very sporadic results.

Then I did some part time work for another webmaster helping to promote his AVS site. That was me, I was hooked. A month later I had my first premium site up and it started to sell. I was lucky in that I chose a very tight niche purely by accident (no prior research).

When looking for new ideas for future sites this is what I do. Go to a few content providers and buy the strangest looking material they have. Not necessarely the hardest hardcore, or the most perverted, but something that makes you stop dead in your tracks, some thing that grips your curiosity. If it got you it will surely get your surfers. Ensure you can purchase sets within the chosen niche that add up to at least 300 to 400 photos so you have enough to qualify for a gold/premium avs site (with the biggest payouts). The content I tend to choose is so hard to find I usually have to visit many content providers, purchasing sets from a number of sites.

Once I've built a new site I spend at least a solid month promoting it. No more building, just promotion. Its boring, mindless, sheer monotony but worth every minute to build up a recurring customer base.

Recurring customers. I make nigh on ten times more each month from my recurring customers than I do in new sales. This fact really surprises me and not one that I had anticipated. I've one avs site with only 15 recurring customers. At $20 per member thats $300 per month for me for doing absolutely nothing. A few more sites like that and I'll be a happy chappy.

As far as I'm aware I'm using the avs company with the biggest payouts. Someone already mentioned it in this thread, cybersexnetworks I really hope they dont go out of business soon as I've currently got all my eggs in the one basket. Time to broaden my financial base if I really do intend to do adult webmastering on a full time basis (currently part time, what with family commitments and all that).

All the best from a lovely and sunny Scotland :-)

Last edited by ritto; 2006-06-12 at 07:28 AM..
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