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Old 2006-05-10, 09:27 PM   #12
Arghhhh...submit yer sites ya ruddy swabs!
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Originally Posted by cd34
and I think Mark's other point was probably:

it is better to hire a specialist at a task than it is to learn how to do that task yourself in many cases.

For instance, it might be easier to hire a programmer than it is for you to learn how to program.
Yup, I'd agree that Sparky hit Mark's points on the head

I've done the outsourcing thing with some basic html work...thinking it was more productive to pay someone else to do grunt work rather than doing it myself. Long story, but the short version was a complete and utter fiasco. Not only was the project delivered 90 days late and after fairly extreme measures on my part to extract it...the work was less than 70% complete...AND I had to redo what had been done.

That said, I will indeed jump into delegating various things again...when resources allow and the right individuals can be found. Being self employed is great, but I prefer to own a business where I oversee operations rather than performing them myself.

Sparky's latter point about specialization is another scenario where delegating comes into play. Sure I could learn programming given enough time, yet myself and a partner are currently paying a programmer to develop / troubleshoot / repair a script.

I could also learn how to do slick graphics and design, but that's not my forte' and my time is more productive in other areas. So, I'm currently working with Mark on the redesign of FPP as the job will be done sooner and more professionally then if I did the project myself.
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