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Old 2006-05-10, 04:26 PM   #5
Are you sure this is the Sci-Fi Convention? It's full of nerds!
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I have strengths, and I have weaknessess. My modus operandi is to emphasise my strengths by focusing on what I do best, while using other people/rhesus monkeys to make my weaknessess lack the sting they posess.

I am not a CSS/XHTML codemaster, I may have the potential to be one someday with alot of hard work and time, but right now I want to focus on building a business and being as creative as possible, so I outsource those tasks to the sacred codemasters

Obviously, my ability to outsource is limited by my financial condition but I think there are some people who are inherently better than others at certain things, some people code from birth it seems, while others struggle with even the basics. And some people can play sports well, while others make my grandmother look like emmit smith.

That's just the way it is.
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