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Old 2006-05-05, 05:06 AM   #1
KG Gary
I can now put whatever I want in this space
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: South East UK
Posts: 744
A spike in traffic from TheHun????

I noticed a strange almost-vertical spike on my traffic graphs a few moments ago, so I checked AWStats and see that I have a gallery listed on TheHun! Eh? What? How?

I'm not complaining, but how did this happen? Somebody has taken an old freesite gallery I made and submitted it to TheHun? What would be their motivation for that? Is this a usual type of thing?
It's not one of my better galleries, and also the sponsor I was promoting is one of the ones I have really struggled to convert with with LL traffic.
The Gallery Is Here

Surprising but rather satisfying, and quite scary. It'll be interesting to see what happens next. Somebody seems to be doing me a rather large favour.....I think.
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