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Old 2006-04-25, 05:05 PM   #7
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I don't know about the insurance. I know his brother did not insure his porche. They mostly keep there cars in a garage and only drive them a few miles every so often. I know it sounds crazy but at one time I asked his bro for a ride in the P and he told me no insurance, we can only go around the block. But that too was years ago. Rich people are strange man. They have the money to pay for things but some of them don't like to pay the extra. It's like when waiting tables. The richest dick heads treat you like shit and leave $1.30 tip of a $100 meal. I like to think he is smarter then that, but in all honesty it was his dad who had the brains in the family. The kids just reaped the rewards and played around till no tomorrow. When you talk to these guys, if you did not know their dad made all the $$ you would boggle your mind trying to figure out how in the world they got so much money. When I saw him this weekend I asked him what he has been doing for the last year. He said nothing, but he was opening up a car wash for super high end cars. When he told me where, I was just dumb founded. The town is a middle class town, I don't see them doing much business there. In that town just having a new car is highend lol. Not 100k scream machines. Not that there are any problems with opening a car wash but you would think this guy would be smarter in his location.
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