Thread: Bill Maher
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Old 2006-04-09, 02:20 AM   #11
T Pat
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Originally Posted by Carl
I don't care if they jump a fence, swim a river, or float in on a raft just to have a baby an hour later. If a baby is born in the United States then that makes it a citizen, and it will always be that way.
Carl on my mothers side my grandfather was conceived in wales and born in the US earning his US citizenship through birth, my grandmother was born in England and gained her citizenship through their marrage, both greatgrandfathers came to the US educated and with enough money to start successful businesses and start paying taxes.
My fathers side is a different story the men came from England pre revolutionary war broke uneducated and payed their passage by being indentured servents for seven years.
In the 11+ years I've been with my Mexican/American Wife I've been introduced to a couple dozen girls that came here just to have a baby concieved in Mexico, FREE MEDICAL AN INSTANT INCOME AND NO WORRIES ABOUT BEING DEPORTED FOR BREAKING THE LAW BECAUSE THEIR KID IS A US CITIZEN it's wrong on more levels than I can count.

Alex May 1st is Mexico's Labor Day and the Catholic Church and the Illegal Immagrants are quietly planning the biggest work boycot and demonstration in American History, seeing all the red white and green flags flying in the streets is going to piss alot of people off
My Wifes family is freeking out, their all legal, educated, very patriotic and scarred shitless that May 1st is going to cause so much animosity towards Hispanics that they won't be safe outside of their homes.
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