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Old 2006-03-30, 02:45 PM   #49
Rock stars ... is there anything they don't know?
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 11
Originally Posted by Greenguy
Bottom line is that I was fine until he mentioned galleries & that set me off. As a Link List owner, I can not fucking stand when people try to push galleries on me.

Had he looked at my referrals, he'd have seen that they all of the sales I've generated came from & they are all listed under Pay Sites on the category pages.

So because this ass basically cold called me & did no homework, I'm the ass for getting upset?

And let's not pretend that this little ICQ marketing ploy was not just a way to get personal with your affiliates. You've done this with 400 webmasters? Really? I'm betting that's most, if not all of your affiliates. I base this on my sales rank for this Pay Period that you have posted in the stats area:
Sales Rank: #14

I've sent TWO sales this period.

If your #14 affiliate has 2 sales, you do not have much more than 400 affiliates total. Send a fucking email like everyone else does.

Captain Obvious should have given up when I said no thanks. He should have realized that he was ignorant to my needs as a webmaster when I said that I didn't do that much with galleries.

Hell, according to CaptainObvious, he should have never sent me the 2nd ICQ, since I didn't reply to the 1st one.
Lots of webmasters did two sales with our program, more did one, we have smaller webmasters and bigger webmasters, you're in the middle.

If you think our #1-13 affiliates do 1-2 joins a day each you're straight out wrong.

I don't understand where you guys get the "cold calls" and "telemarketing" bullshit from - I'm not trying to sell you anything, I just wanted to tell you about our new sites.

I don't care if you only have 1 site, I start off with everybody giving them galleries to see where they direct me since MOST webmasters own more than 1 site - you're the ONLY person to turn it into such a big issue.

I'm done here, I have more important things to work on, like I said in the ICQ, don't list the 123 sites on greenguy, I don't give a fuck.
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