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Old 2006-03-14, 10:40 PM   #9
Took the hint.
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I get the impression that you are new to this interweb net thing. You argued until page 3 before even bothering to try to figure out what fusker was. There is a whole lot of enlightening that needs to be done here.

Adbrite is a joint venture between AVN and Pud (from, using what appears to be software developed by Pud's side of things. I do no business with these people.

I also take no ads from AVN, and outside of paying them (occassionaly) for a badge to a show, I don't have any financial dealings with them.

No matter what I do in the adult business, I will be dealing with companies that deal with companies that deal with AVN. They are the big end of the stick in certain issues.

There is quite a huge difference between directly lining their pockets and dealing with people who deal with people yadda-yadda.

You are playing junior high debate techniques, which seems to about sum up there level of your understanding of the interwebnet connection computer thingie in front of you.

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