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Old 2005-12-09, 02:24 PM   #7
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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Originally Posted by RawAlex
A little side note: If you pay very close attention to this story, the whole prosecution hinges on a purchase made by a US Postal Inspector and delivered by the US mail to him. As I mentioned earlier this month, I stopped handing video editing and production for US companies as the customs now requires a long declaration as to the content of video tapes and a statement that the materials are "not obscene". Sadly, there is no easy measuring stick to determine obscenity for materials that travel by courrier or mail, as there is no way to tell where or when they will be inspected and which community standard will be applied.

This case may have way less to do with the internet, and may have way more to do with the old amateur action BBS case (circa 1994). Please consult google for more information for those of you who might not have been around when that one happened:

I think those guys are still in jail too. Another BBS that never crossed over to the web.... of course its hard to do so if your ass is in jail.
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