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Old 2005-12-08, 10:30 AM   #4
Are you sure you're an accredited and honored pornographer?
gobgook2's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 62
Yeah, I know a colleague of mine and I have pretty consistant trouble getting decent support. All over the webmaster areas its "no question is a stupid question, contact us to help you with your conversion #s" (although on a semi-related subject, in my opinion it's the PAYSITE TOUR's responsibilty to convert whatever decent traffic we send...) And either never reply to emails OR icq, or come back with some "i don't really care about you little fish, so i'll make up some lame answer to get you off my back and hope you don't catch me in it." (my favorite, "your galleries could use some work...." when the same or similar template/layouts work fine everywhere else)

Alex and Chris from Jason & Alex (pre-merger/buyout) were probably two of the most helpful guys I've ever worked with. My ratios sucked major, and Chris took a load of time to look over my promotion and was a decent enough guy to admit that he thought what I was doing was fine, and SHOULD be making sales; that he had no idea why I wasn't (which to me says "our sites just don't convert well" but who is going to come right out and say THAT?). The time and honesty was worth loads to me, even though I ended my dropping them down on my "who to promote hard" list, strictly for business reasons. Their merger/buyout, for me anyway, was simply a combining of two sponsors that never converted for me. But I realize what works for one doesn't work for everyone...

LOL. I'm just a bit jaded overall... But my experience has been of the few who are actually easy to get ahold of or get replies from, there's even fewer who are truly willing to give any useful help. Flame away! lol
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