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Old 2005-11-24, 10:39 AM   #8
Torn Rose
"Faith is believing what you know ain't so." ~ Mark Twain
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Portland, Oregon
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We ate our dead bird last night, and all I can say is damn, I can cook a mean bird, I hear a sandwich calling me.

About 3 years ago I won a DVD burner from a football pool online, at the time they was $450 or so, so I was really happy with it and it served me well until last month, I made a data DVD and when I tried to make the second DVD I kept getting errors, and gave up on it since I thought maybe the file was corrupted. Then Monday I tried to make a data DVD for Toni and same thing, so I knew the burner has burned away.

Yesterday I decided to defrag and do a "disk cleanup" on my main pc and during the "disk cleanup" I got an error telling me to get my XP cd out, I did and nothing happens, but then ICQ kept crashing constantly. Then my anti spam program stopped working and IE would crash and the only thing I would get is a "c+++" error. So after a few hours I decided to say fuck it and format.

Uploaded all my vitals on my server and then realized I have personal pics not updated to the server which is about 3 gigs in size, so we went out and bought a new DVD burner for $160, dual layer Sony +/- and so far I think it's rocking.

Now today I get to finish getting my pc like I want it again.

The joy of living in the non fruit world.
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