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Old 2005-11-20, 06:54 PM   #18
Trying is the first step towards failure
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 122
Originally Posted by juggernaut
I would keep that 30 day money back receipt handy. There is always talk here about once a month of someone going the cheap hosting route and then moving to new hosting again. I used them, and my honest review. User panel was nice, its has nice features for adding new sites and IPs etc. But my site was slow on their boxes. I just thought it was a DB problem but was never able to narrow it down. I mean the site was small as hell at the time (1 meg) so what else could it have been? I had to put in a help ticket almost everyday for 5 days. They responded to the problem but it never seemed to get fixed. I had to go back to my old hosting company. All this nightmare to try and save a few bucks. I use Nakedhosting now and never ever have issues with them. I would say after this, one thing I learned. Once you find good hosting, even if it cost more then the next guy, stay with them. $10 a month or $30 a month who is counting when the site is down.
I'm assuming your talking about Webair. If that's the case, I can show you positive / negative reviews of most of the adult hosting companies out there!
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