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Old 2005-11-19, 05:33 PM   #306
Kids are great, Appu. You can teach them to hate the things you hate and they practically raise themselves now-a-days, you know, with the internet and all
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Originally Posted by Yoda
Ok, lets operate the facts. As I know your main partner in your project is so-called "sAx". Maybe you don't know but he made his first money in incest niche. Take a look at this page

Sure, it was the times when iBill, as remarked Kit, worked with this kind of shit (I think maybe that's one of the reasons why it isn't work now), but can you prove that your main partner isn't continuing his work with incest, rape and other fucking shit at present time?

Remeber! "don't try to tell any unproven facts if you are not sure and don't have anything to show."
LOL, I asked you only one more time. Can you show us anything bad about If not, please, shut the fuck up! Bye...

P.S. May be we would remember a huge number of the owners of LLs, who took incest 0,5-2 years ago, because it wasn't illegal by billings?

LOL, I know only one guy, who like to find any stupid information in webarchive, speak Russian and leave outside the Russia... in USA But I don't have any facts and I would prefer to keep silence...

As I've already said, you don't have anything about me and my projects, but as I can see, you're full of shit. It's your own problem, not mine. I think everyone already understood everything here... Good luck!
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