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Old 2005-10-20, 06:01 AM   #2
I'm the only guy in the world who has to wake up to have a nightmare
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I'm only small fry, but I don't have a problem with 3 or 4 links on a recip, if a warning page has 9 recips with say 3 of those having 4 links out, the rest only 2, that's 24 links from recips, same as having 12 recips with 2 links, and less than 15 recips with 2 links.

Interesting that another thread seems to have people agreeing that for example 24 custom recips are a good thing to be encouraged (48 links there) the number of outgoing links on a table of 12 or 15 is frowned upon. I agree that 10 links are a bad thing on 1 recip, but 3 or 4 I don't think is going to make an impact on any possible negative issues.

Those freesites that link back to LLs link to pages that in some cases have hundreds or thousand(s) of outgoing links, so if there is a penalisation for linking to a page with many outbound links won't the freesites get penalised, thus leading the LL to be penalised for linking to a freesite that links to a 'link farm'?

Getting lost here
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