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Old 2005-10-14, 07:09 AM   #19
Oh no, I'm sweating like Roger Ebert
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Originally Posted by Jel
Well my own experience shows pretty much what Linkster is saying - google rarely lists a standard freesite anywhere near high enough in SERPS to worry to much, yahoo on the other hand seems to like freesites a lot more, and all the pages within it. A standard freesite that I build for LLs I also build for yahoo.

I'm talking about changing 1 page per freesite, the warning page. If your version for SES that you list on your own hub has links to toplists, backlinks from toplists, different text geared towards different keywords etc. etc. then imho it's a completely different page and wouldn't be penalised for anything.

And listen to Linkster, he knows his stuff
Yeah I followed what you were saying and i think it is a good idea.

But like I said if you make a version to list on your own site then it does complicated things and making it completely unique may be needed. but again this takes time. As at the moment its quite similar.

1. Submitted to LLs
2. Listed on my site and submitted anywhere without rules e.g forums, link dumps etc.

But the time it takes to redo version 2 to make it unique I could just say fuck it I'll list the main index that I submit to the big LLs on my site and spend the time saved working on SEO for something else.

Thats is why I like the robots.txt idea because it would ensure that only the ad intensive version gets in SEs and its quick and easy to do. But I would be grateful if someone could answer those questions I asked in the last post

And yeah I think Linkster knows his shit.
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