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Old 2005-10-13, 02:08 PM   #6
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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1000 incoming links are worthless if the links point to a page Google considers spam. If Google chooses an index.html with small LL linking to it over an index.html with links from penisbot, LOR, etc, then you're shit out of luck...I wouldn't leave it up to Google to decide that for me.

To customize your free sites to make them appear unique to SEs seems to be a waste of time to me.

One suggestion I saw to use robots.txt to prevent Google from indexing the duplicate you'd get nice SE traffic off your primary index.html and then pull nice LL traffic off the duplicate doorways.

Personally, I'd build 1 site and submit to 20. The 20 LL will give you say 30,000 uniques over a few months and then 5,000 or whatever from SE a month.

If you spent time submitting to the other 80, lets be optimistic and say you'd get 5,000 uniques from them a month. Still, if you had to choose between 5k from google or 5k from LLs...which would you choose?
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.
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