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Old 2005-09-14, 07:31 PM   #3
Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!
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Here is a link to the bill

Some things of interest are some of the changes to 2257 such as:

(7) in subsection (h)(3), by striking `to produce, manufacture, or publish any book, magazine, periodical, film, video tape, computer generated image, digital image, or picture, or other similar matter and includes the duplication, reproduction, or reissuing of any such matter, but does not include mere distribution or any other activity which does not involve hiring, contracting for managing or otherwise arranging for the participation of the performers depicted'

and inserting
`actually filming, videotaping, photographing; creating a picture, digital image, or digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being; or digitizing an image, of a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, assembling, manufacturing, publishing, duplicating, reproducing, or reissuing a book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, or picture, or other matter intended for commercial distribution, that contains a visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct; or, inserting on a computer site or service a digital image of, or otherwise managing the sexually explicit content, of a computer site or service that contains a visual depiction of, sexually explicit conduct'

which would make the statute cover so called secondary producers,


1) in subsection (a)(l), by striking `actual';

(2) in subsection (b), by striking `actual';

(3) in subsection (f)(4)(A), by striking `actual';

(4) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (h) to read as follows

which would eliminate the excemption for simulated conduct.

Also the ability to seize assets and other intersting changes.

The republican extremists are out of control again.

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