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Old 2005-08-19, 08:34 PM   #16
The only guys who wear Hawaiian shirts are gay guys and big fat party animals
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Originally Posted by Simon
Okay, I'll say it... you write damn good hardcore fuck stories for the internet.

And I really do agree about quality writing being hard to find. An awful lot of the surfer-submitted stories at the sex story archive sites we run are truly awful. Makes you wonder how someone can want to submit it for others to read.

Thank you, Simon. You've made my week. |love|

They submit them because they *think* they're good. A lot of people think stories that have "...and then she sucked his cock..." in them are *good* stories, because they've never actually read a good story.

Any "writer" who would advertise his/her own work with "my stories are cheap!" writes crap. No real writer would ever put his/her own work and the word "cheap" in the same sentence.

Ah...pic gallery stories! I started doing that this year. (One of my kazillion projects.) When I wrote poetry, I wrote for pictures. I'd stare at a photograph, and out came the poem. It's the same with a series of pics. I love doing that. I used to have a linksite and snapped one day over the lousy descriptions I was getting. ("20 pics of a blonde"??? C'mon. Accurate though that may be, it just doesn't scream "click me!" to me.) I wrote lengthier, better descriptions...and my traffic soared. Spiders love words, and a good, keyword laden story to go with your pics can do wonders for your traffic.
<a href=""><img src="" border=0><br>Written Temptations<br>Erotic Stories</a>
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