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Old 2005-07-22, 03:41 AM   #1
Rock stars ... is there anything they don't know?
Wildbill's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 12
I'm New - Please Give Me A Warm Welcome =]

hey peeps! been in the biz over 4 years now and it's funny that I never really was a popular poster to any of the boards... Anyway, I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself. Panties, Panties, Panties!!! I love panties! I had a teen panty TGP but sold it about 6 months ago. was running it for over 3 years and just got sick of always updating it. I guess I just don't have any patience for that kind of slow buildup shit. Anyway been always submitting galleries, designing sick templates/tours since the beginning, I think that that is one of my strengths, I own a content store - me and a buddy shoot content =]

I also just launched my newest and best idea yet

fresh idea, exclusive content, sick conversions. I've been pushing panty sites for a long time and always thought that there was a lack of a good panty site/program out there so I decided to make my own. I also have some high quality/high res free hosted galleries - 50/50 Partners please sign up =]

Anyway I hope to gain knowledge and build some good partner relationships with this board so WELCOME ME!
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