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Old 2005-06-29, 05:14 PM   #15
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We had two old ladies here who both owned farms side by side. Each about 200 acres. The town they lived in was once considered out in no mans land. Nothing there. After a few years things built up very fast. Well the current school became way to small for the amount of people moving here after 911 from NYC. So the town asks the ladies if they want to sell. They said sure. Prices for land in NJ are very costly, about 100k per acre. So you do the math of how much these ladies should get. The town sends over a town appraiser to asses the value of the prop. Well guess what. It now becomes valued at 5k an acre. So of course the ladies say no fucking way. Well mayor gets pissed, claims ED and they all go to court. Held in the same town. And guess who wins. The town, thats right. Well the 2nd sister was so scared after that she sold the property for the 5K and her an her sister left. So now the town gets not 200 acres but 400 for the value they placed on 1 property. The news did cover it, but like everything else no one gave two shits as they all wanted a place for there little fuckers to go a be baby sat.
If that were me 1 of 2 things would have happend. Either I would have sold it to the biggest contractor I could have found for at least 25K an acre. Give them a deal so sweet they have to take it. Then let the town fight someone with money. Or I would have sold the 1st one and took my money and bought as many junk cars as I could and would have buried them threw out the entire land. Let the town spend more money with the EPA and removing the shit safely.
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