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Old 2005-06-25, 04:31 AM   #26
Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Canada
Posts: 97
Haha, I LOVE this thread. *grins*

For those who are wary of the cold, it hit 47 degrees CELSIUS in North Eastern Ontario today. For those who can't convert, that's WELL over 100F (But they do have nasty cold winters out that way too)

Myself, I live on the West Coast, and in all honesty its lovely up here. We are WAAAAAAAAAY warmer through the winters, than most of the entire continental USA is...but that's also largely because of the mountains sheltering us from extreme weather fronts, and the ocean keeping our temperatures moderate.

Health care, is paid for by taxes yes, but I would not be so quick to jump to saying that makes it "good." For small things, yes its fabulous, but for anything specific, it makes it rather terrible in fact. I put my back out at my day job about a month ago & when I went to the walk in clinic, my words were "Between my right shoulderblade and my spine" --The paperwork came back reading that I had injured my lower back. Riiight. When it got worse & was putting amazing pressure on my chestplate, I phoned the clinic to see how I'd go about seeing a back specialist, someone other than a chiropracter. Apparently, they're booking MONTHS in advance, and I would've had to wait MONTHS to see one. Fuck that, by that point I'd be freakin' paralyzed LOL I went to a physiotherapist that didn't require a referral from a doctor, and got right in. Had to pay a clinic fee for what my MSP didn't cover, but no biggie & I can get it refunded later from Workers Comp.

It did however, fast change my attitude about our healthcare system, and made me realize just how dire of a state it must be in. Unfortunately what was a fabulous idea "back then" when it was installed, has now become a financial nightmare for pretty much everybody... For that I think I'll blame technology, because "back then" we didn't have anywhere near as much expensive electronical life saving equipment as we do now, ...the result is the quality of healthcare is declining, while we struggle to keep up with technology.

As far as porn & weed goes though, yeah... We're a laid back bunch up here...
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