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Old 2005-05-19, 08:52 PM   #21
Selling porn allows me to stay in a constant state of Bliss - ain't that a trip!
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 3,914
Toby, here's what my log looks like- it doesn't have too many wierd control characters in it. But, I only have the last few minutes of the chat... (I've edited this a little bit, to remove some urls and comments.)

<Bill_> Some nice "hooks" in that writing Trixxia! I think you could get even deeper into your sell, your close is still a bit passive. But nice overall.
<Bill_> I would definitely have linked your main sell line "Get YOUR Dick inside those CHEEKS!
<TopBucksTrixxxia> Bill - I haven't worked on that type of promotion in awhile - I do most of the writing on my husband's site now but not as 'horny' as I used to be when I started heheheheh I need to get back into that type of stuff
<Bill_> You picked a good strong visual image, and you were _behind_ it, you put energy into it.
<Bill_> People don't buy porn that someone just points to and says, Get this type of porn here. They want to feel EXCITED about buying.
<LowryBigwood> i gotta learn that
<Bill_> Like they are getting in on a hot thing. If you put YOUR energy into the sell, the surfer who is on the fence will feel that, and it overcomes their inhibition.
<spookyx> IMHO its the stange niches that sell now
<spookyx> if you promote it right
<TopBucksTrixxxia> I agree - what I used to do was put myself in their shoes - skeptic that I am, it would really take a lot for me to join
<natalie> i need to work on my selling too
<Bill_> Well folks, I had a great time, altho I know there was a lot of things that we just started or touched on - we will get to them in the future.
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