Thread: php help
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Old 2005-04-16, 01:02 AM   #28
Aw, Dad, you've done a lot of great things, but you're a very old man, and old people are useless
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 24
Hello everyone, hoping I can get some help here. didnt want to start a new post considering im still on the same topic more or less.

On that famous post of Cleo's. a quote...
"About the only thing I don't like about my system is that if I get a banner that is appropriate for more then one niche I have to duplicate it and move it into that niche. Not a big deal, but more work later on if I decide to edit or pull that ad since there will be more then one copy."
Now hopefully cleo will reply to this. What if I have added 2 different banners to the campaign of the same site. So what I want to do is send one banner to one niche and the second banner of the same site to a different niche. I cant seem to find the way to link them seperatley. Is this possible?

I could be doing this wrong but I find when I link a campaign to a zone and I have 2 banners in that campaign, it links both banners unless I deactivate the one I dont want to show, but if you want one of those banners in another zone you have to reactivate, therefore showing up in the zone you dont want it to.

Any help is greatly apppreciated
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