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Old 2005-04-07, 06:25 PM   #145
Are you sure this is the Sci-Fi Convention? It's full of nerds!
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i agree... most times they do. the difference is they never profess to be tollerant of others. i mean most religions say that if you dont bleave the way they say you are going to be eternally damned - i dont know how much more up front they can be about not being tollerant, yknow?

as to your filppant comment on selling porn if you think you are moral... seriously dude, you should know better. Just because you sell porn doesnt mean you are immoral or even amoral. we all get pissed off when we see someone selling ki**y porn... isnt that because of our moral core? we dont just kill someone because they take our serps, we might get mad and try to get even and beat them back but not kill them... isnt that because of our moral core?

im a fucking eagle scout who still scoutmasters in his troop even though i dont have any kids in it... that is because of my moral core. whenever someone in this industry hits hard times we all pony up whatever we can to help them out... that is becasue of our moral core.

be real careful making analogies between religious zelotry and morality manno
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