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Old 2005-03-25, 11:38 PM   #1
Don't let a programmer design your front-end pages!
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Join Date: Aug 2003
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Posts: 781
new server needed (or 2) - VERY SOON!

Yep - my server's dying...
I don't know if of old age or overload - probably a combination of the two!

So I thought before I commit myself I'd like to tender it for some quotes - what I roughly need:

managed hosting
P4 2.8 (or similar, could be AMD)
prefer 1 gig RAM
fast enough to run 2 medium sized Thumbnail TGPs (10k/daily - hopefully more soon!) with scripts, etc.
2 IPs for TGPs
storage is not such an issue (since small HDs seem to be a thing of the past)

my gallery traffic, currently ~2.5 to 3 mbps and growing
another 2 IPs
no scripts needed (except stats)

My preferred solution is to have the TGPs and galleries on 2 seperate machines, since I'm not happy with the current situation where either everything's running fine, or all sites are affected by the same server problems. If the two are physically on seperate servers I feel less vulnerable.

I guess the current gallery volume could go onto a virtual server, providing
I get 2 individual IPs
and the other acounts aren't running scripts to slow down the server...

Please replay asap - this is rather urgent!

PM or george| at |tropicheat-dot-com, and please don't send me to webpage price lists!

ps: I'm not much online the next 2 days...
Have a nice day!
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