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Old 2003-10-22, 09:28 PM   #1
Heh Heh Heh! Lisa! Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!
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Join Date: Oct 2003
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Greenguy Big news @ FLASHCA$H - believe me you will want to read this one...

Big news - believe me you will want to read this one... =)

Saturdays FLASHCA$H IRC Chat is going to be packed with "surprises"!

First, by popular demand we are talking traffic with Kre8t0r from AdultNetSurprise! If you need a traffic boost for your sites (and who doesn't) - this is the chat for you!

Now for the big news!

We are giving away something we can all use - FREE PREMIUM CONTENT!!!!!
(and we aren't talkin' that old over-exposed stuff either)

An old friend of mine Mikey just started a new content site 219 Content so when I went looking for freebies for our Conversion Clinics - Mikey was right there to step up to the plate! But ya know, Mikey is in Europe right now filming so his brother Rich went ape shit and kicked in not $25, not $50, not $75, but $100 freakin' dollars in free content!!!! Oh hell yeah!

All you have to do to be eligible to win the $100 in free content is show up and participate in the FLASHCA$H IRC Chat this Saturday October 25th at a special time 12:00pm EST! At 2:00pm EST Rich will randomly hook up one lucky winner with some shiny new porn peddling photos! =)

Channel: #wmchat

Can you hear me now? Good!

- Netpiddler

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