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Old 2005-02-26, 09:05 PM   #9
Selling porn allows me to stay in a constant state of Bliss - ain't that a trip!
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Dude, a lawyer is an expensive and difficult way to deal with a small contract.

In general, a problem has to be worth a minimum of $10,000 to make getting a lawyer worthwhile.

The threat of a lawyer, or of small claims court, is much more practical.

You probably will end up spending $30,000 if you seriously want to get them to take down painted logos. I've seen really silly small cases like this explode into HUGE legal bills.

Your best bet is to send a letter to the person who was your original contact, ideally with a photo of the logo on the truck. Tell them you will file a claim in small claims court if they don't pay you, and that you will force them to take it off all their trucks if they don't pay in full. (which, you are correct, will be an expense greater than the cost of the contract.)

Reasonable threats are the most effective tool you can use.
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