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Old 2005-02-20, 06:09 AM   #2
Nothing funnier than the ridiculous faces you people make mid-coitus
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But the whole time I was [there, in recovery] we watched the news to see what's going on. And we saw the protests, and we saw what the media was saying about what's going on, and we were worried about what we were actually going to face when we came home. We didn't know what to expect, to be honest with you. From the news media we were seeing, the whole country was basically telling us we're a bunch of jerks.

1st of all I'd like to know where these protests are because i've been looking for them and cannot for the life of me seem to find them. On my personal blog i just wrote a whole article on "Where is the passion" are we too tired to protest anymore because IF ever, in my opinion, we needed to take to the streets, it would be over this war.

2nd of all, the media if anything, has taken a right turn and NO WHERE have i ever heard (and trust me when i tell you i watch all stations including the Total Spin Zone *gotta know what BS that asshole is spewing*) anyone talking down about the soldiers.. calling them jerks etc. If anything we are MORE supportive of the troops certainly than the policy.

***During Vietnam we had our priorities skewed, imo, the Policy was wrong the troops were right.

I think this time around, despite an all out effort by this administration to "spin" it his way, we, as a people finally got it right. Should we be there, HELL NO (imo) but do we support the troops that are forced to go, HELL Yes!!

Imagine Joe Schmuck 10 yrs ago, just out of college, baby on the way, signs on to be in the Nevada Guard NOT National Guard, but our local state guard, those dayam rowdy Seniors at Bingo night!! Once a month, he does his duty, trains at Nellis 2 weeks out of the year. I mean its Preventative, in case we need it, not an on going need. Suddenly 2 weeks before Thanksgiving 2004 he's told, you are shipping out to Iraq. Iraq? Is that upstate? I'm in the Nevada Guard.

Only because i'm in Nevada am i using that as an example but i'm sure the rest of the states are experiencing it as well. Not only are they doing a back door draft by sending these Weekend Warriors of the National Guard, but pulling troops from the states as well. How very protective of "Merican soil, George.

So, while that is an "interesting" article, I doubt the "caller" has seen any action other than Jackson on a Saturday night.. and the source of the article Matt Friedeman ( is a professor at Wesley Biblical Seminary. to me anyway is just more propaganda promoted by the zealotious right wingers trying to convince us if we say it it must be true. After all didn't they say there were WMDs?
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