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Old 2005-01-24, 03:58 AM   #6
Don't let a programmer design your front-end pages!
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: currently on the road in CA
Posts: 781
I'm sorry but I hate most things 'instant communication', like phones and icq!

They have the habit of demanding your full attention in the most inconvenient moments. I'm certainly a bad customer for telcos: way over 50% my monthly phone bill is connection fee, I have a pre-paid mobile which is mostly turned off, and I never manage to use up the annual credit on the pre-paid card, my icq is constantly on invisible...
This has been always with me like that: when I owned a wholesale business I hardly ever answered the phone, my staff had to, and as soon as they were out I bought a fax machine (for over $3,000 at the time!) to cut down on phone calls...
I simply hate that ring, gets me into a bad mood before I even answer, and the icq noise is exactly the same!

I know this makes me rather un-fashionable...
Have a nice day!
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