Thread: Random Joke....
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Old 2005-01-13, 01:58 PM   #1
Aw, Dad, you've done a lot of great things, but you're a very old man, and old people are useless
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Random Joke....

Its been an oddly slow day today, so I decided to share one of my favorite jokes with you all.

//---------------<Begin Joke>-----------------\\
Two kids are playing in a sandbox, one is 2 and the other is 5.

The two year old looks to his brother and says, "Hey, brother, I was wondering if you could help me with a word that I heard the other day on the playground."

The five year old looks to his brother and replies, "I'll try. What was the word?"


"I really don't know......maybe dad knows."

So the five year old runs in the house and starts pulling on his dad's pant-leg. Finally his father looks down and asks what the kid wants. The five year old replies, "I was wondering if you could tell me what a penis is."

The father things for a moment then says, "Well, son, it would be easier if I showed you than if I told you." So the dad takes his son into the bathroom, whips it out, and with a gesture says, "Son, that's a penis."

The five year old looks at it for a moment, thanks his dad, and runs back outside to start playing again. A few minutes go by and finally the two year old asks if their father knew what a penis was. The five year old says, "Yeah, he did."

The two year old stops playing and looks at his brother, "Well, could you tell me?"

"It would be easier if I showed you than if I told you." The two year old agrees and the five year old whips it out. With a gesture to his own penis he says "Well, its alot like this...but a little smaller."
//---------------<End Joke>-------------------\\
The world is a Savage Garden

ICQ : 213469331
AIM : RivalWebmassa
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