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Old 2005-01-02, 02:03 AM   #1
Don't get discouraged; it's usually the last key that opens the lock...
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Fella webmaster needs your help...

Hello everyone.

Some of you may Albion from TomsNewbieBooster, but a fellow adult webmaster needs your assistance if you can. His daughter is missing in California, and he could really use the help of the adult community now.

I've copied his post from TNB, I hope you guys here at GG&Jim do not mind me doing this, if you do, please move my post. Thank you all for your assistance.

Hey TNBer's,

No new news on my daughter.

I don't often ask for much, but this time I'm asking a lot!

My beautiful daughter is still missing, and the local sheriff's department is treating her as a runaway, meaning she will not get Amber Alert status. I think my daughter hitch-hiked to visit friends in the Tahoe area, and may have met with foul play or bad weather on Highway 20.

Please copy the following link code into your highest PR pages, and get me some link pop. I really need to find my daughter.

Please help us if you can.

<a href="http://www://">missing_child_california</a>

Thank you so much!

From a teary, bleary-eyed, heart-sick Dad!
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