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Old 2004-11-24, 07:46 AM   #393
i fucking told i type to fucking fast wtf
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Re: Hello!

Originally posted by binxgook
Hello Everyone! My name is Binxgook. I have been submitting free sites for about a year now. I have been on Cozy Frog mostly during that year and just wanted to stretch a little out of my comfort zone LOL. I recently posted a question on Cozy Frog about my traffic not being what I would like it to be. Currently I submit to about 345 LL's, but my traffic SUCKS!!! I usually recieve around 3500-4500 hits per month|pissed| . One reply I recieved stated that this was definately overkill and that I should just pick 30-40 big LL's and stick to just submitting to them. My question is (without trying to offend some of the smaller LL owners) how would I go about compiling this list? If I am going from 345 to say maybe 50 LL's, thats a big cut! The person also suggested using sex tracker or Alexa to make up this list. So I went to Alexa and pulled up thier LL section. I would assume the top 50 would be the ones I would want to submit to. Please advise me if I am wrong.

Sorry for the long intro.
First off welcome to the mix Second post some of your sites and let us take a peek at them and we can go from there Post them in the newbie forum.
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