From: Free Ticket Cash
Date: June 8 2005


FreeEzineBucks and FreeTicketCash welcome Bryan Havoc aboard!  The Hawg brothers (FreeEzineBucks/FreeTicketCash) are proud to announce the hiring of Bryan Havoc (formerly Adultplex Bryan).  He will be handling all day to day operations for both
and .

He has a ton of experience in this industry and will be working hard to expand both programs in terms of more sites, more features, etc... We have not had much time to focus solely on either program for a while now.  Bryan is solely dedicated on maximizing everything and will be dealing with all the big email providers on a constant basis to improve throughput.

He is currently working on the development of CYOE (Create Your Own Ezine), and is welcome to any ideas any webmasters have on how to implement it or if they are interested in implementing it in their website. Contact him for more info..

Bryan Havoc can be reached on ICQ at 165029472 with any questions or anything on either of our 2 programs. We have a lot of exciting things planned for the future and glad to have him aboard!


I'm sure that most of you by now have received a plethora of emails from other companies regarding the new 2257 regulations that go into effect on June 23rd, 2005.  We are no different, and we want you to know that we have both your best interest and our models best interest in mind when it comes to dealing with this issue.  We plan on staying afloat and remain as compliant as possible with the new 2257 regulations.

In regards to the new 2257 Regulations, please review these points. - All current banners will be REMOVED from our program and we will work on new ones which will be included in our program in a timely fashion. We can not support our old banners and we encourage you to REMOVE them and switch to text links instead. - We will be giving NO MORE free content to anybody. This is both to protect ourselves, our webmasters, and our models.

Thanks for your continued support of FreeTicketCash over the years and
I look to making more and more money with you over the next couple years.

--Bryan Havoc and the FreeTicketCash Crew

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